CRS Auto/H&H Auto

Darin & Robin Huston

Darin & Robin Huston

Despite the long gruelling hours and the toll it has taken, Darin Huston’s passion for all things automotive hasn’t dimmed.

“It’s all I’ve ever done,” he acknowledges of his four decades in the industry. “It’s been a hell of a ride, to be honest with you. It’s a love for the business, I guess, and helping people.”

That dedication comes naturally to Darin. Two uncles and an older brother worked as mechanics and his first paying job as a 15-year-old was pumping gas. His apprenticeship — “pulling wrenches on cars,” as he terms it — started a few years later at the Hodder Avenue Esso.

Twenty-five years ago, he bought the Current River Shell on Cumberland Street and began operating it as CRS Auto Centre, offering a range of services that includes safety inspections, oil changes, wheel alignments, and, of course, all manner of electrical and mechanical repairs.

A decade ago, with one of his employees at CRS Auto, Darin expanded to 720 Red River Road and opened H & H Auto. The partnership with Robin Hamlin came full circle when they married in 2012.

“Romance blossomed,” Darin admits with a laugh. “We were business partners first and then personal partners after that.”

With two shops, they are able to service the needs of any client, with whom they try to build a strong rapport.

“We’re like a family and I think people appreciate that,” Robin says. “I also hope women feel more comfortable bringing in their vehicles if they see me here.”

Running two shops certainly keeps the couple hopping, typically seeing them go from one location to another. When help is required, Robin, who is also a “car freak,” is not above getting her hands dirty in the shop.

Having recently added a 24/7 towing service, Darin and Robin are constantly on the go. It’s not unusual to have to leave a hot meal on the table because a call for service has come in or to still be on the road well after night has fallen.

At age 53 and with a myriad of back problems, Darin gamely plugs away.

“Everybody thinks being self-employed is glamorous. Truly it is not,” he says with a rueful laugh. “But it’s something I still enjoy doing.”