J.B. Evans

Jack & Andrew Moro

Jack & Andrew Moro

High-end clothing, quality footwear and accessories may have seemed a natural fit for Andrew Moro. But it was a roundabout route that took him to his roots, the venerable J.B. Evans Fashions & Footwear.

“My father was always a mentor for me,” Andrew says. “I wanted to work with him at the store out of high school and he told me me no, that I needed to go out and try other careers. That was the push I needed at the time. It eventually came full circle when he asked me to come back and join the family business.”

Now in the hands of the fourth generation, J.B. Evans dates to 1912 and his great-grandfather, John Beaconsfield Evans. Eventually it passed into the hands of Andrew’s grandfather, then his own father and mother.

“I grew up working in the store doing odd jobs,” Andrew says. However, after high school Andrew bought a small asphalt company which he ran for five years. Then he moved to Calgary, returning to work at a local equipment rental company.

With the support of his parents, he finally transitioned into the family business, a fixture in downtown Westfort.

“I love clothing and footwear,” Andrew explains. “I love style and everything about getting dressed up. I love to pull an outfit together. Nothing feels better than when a customer says to me ‘that was easy’ after I help them find what they need.”

With a staff of nine — yes, including mom and dad — JB Evans is noted for working closely with its line of merchandise. “We are able to give our customers a selection and service that is superior in our community,” Andrew says. “Training in service, fit and measuring have been handed down from generations.”

That commitment to quality has resulted in a resurgence in traffic through their Frederica Street store as well as online.

“Brands and products that are highly sought after are driving sales to our website locally and globally,” he says. All of which points up an irony that he can’t quite understand.

“People in this city still don’t know we exist,” Andrew says. “We’ve been in the same location for 106 years and people are just starting to find out about us!”